I hear there's an election on...

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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So according to something I read online goths are voting Green.

In Leeds West, the constituency where I live, Rachel Reeves (Lab) is predicted to get 55% of the vote. As it's a safe seat, I felt safe in voting Green; had I been in a marginal I'd have held my nose and voted tactically to keep UKIP and/or the Tories out.

Anyone else willing to spill the beans? I promise I won't shout at you if you voted Kipper or Tory...
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Better Red than dead.

And that's not something you hear from a Leeds fan very often.
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Labour for me
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Despite my concerns about Milibands strange and mis-shapen mouth, I have voted red.
(And that's from a Derby fan :innocent: )
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I think it is hugely important to vote - Democracy is a wonderful thing and if you don't support it by voting it will wither and die.

That said. I find it increasingly difficult to think of any of these grasping, self-serving little s**t actually worthy of my walk down the road and my graphite kiss.

Last time I voted Lib-Dem and I ended up feeling personally responsible for the Tories taking power - something that I would never ever have agreed to

This time I voted Labour but it was really just the only slightly least worst of a really bad bunch

If they had a box "None of the above" I think it would show them that there was room for improvement
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voted labour. primarily as an anti-tory vote and ....well, as an anti-tory vote.
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markfiend wrote: As it's a safe seat, I felt safe in voting Green; .
so it's your fault if it all goes tits up... :lol:
(joking, natch)
Last edited by eastmidswhizzkid on 07 May 2015, 19:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Green/Labour. I agree more with the Green Party policies but if there is no candidate I'm voting Labour as an anti Tory/UKIP vote.
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This is looking like way more fun than the referendum, we should have elections more often.
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Pat wrote:we should have elections more often.
as the chinese viagara salesman said......i'll get me coat.
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Looking at the exit polls right now (2.12am) looks like the Tories are back in. Can't say I'm really all that surprised - yes, they are an absolute shower of shoite, but that twunt Milliband (who will never be the man his father was, alas) failed dismally to come up with any good reason to vote Labour other than "We're not quite as dreadful as the other lot." Both parties seem set fair to further screw the noses of the poor into the dirt (lots of promised made, nothing to say how they'd be paid for), and Cameron played a master-stroke by getting the LibDems to drop trou. By doing so he's made them unelectable for at least another generation, and they will be his bitch for as long as it suits him.

Labour has been awful since Blair - the Tories are lying scum, to be sure, but Labour has as long a recent track record of broken promises at they do. Reform the upper house? Proportional representation? "Well, since we got in in 97 on such a landslide we don't have to do deliver on any of these things." Bastids.

The only reasonable answer is to take to the streets, general strikes, barricades and mass civil unrest. Which won't happen - we're English, for god's sake! Christ, the only time we really got aerated and deposed the king we put his kid back in power the following afternoon (in geological terms). No, we'll sit and complain quietly while whichever band of tosspots and sycophants are in office shove it in a little further every day to the point at which we would miss getting the shaft if they ever stopped.

Sorry if this Weltanschauung is bleak - I really believed in 1997 that we'd turned a corner, that we'd seen the back of government by, of, and for the wealthy. When Portillo got trounced, and Paxman asked him whether it was time to take hemlock, I really hoped that he would and we could watch him die, live on the BBC. Since then it's become clear that "new" Labour is just as bad as the other lot, and the other lot's pretty effing dreadful. The other lot, though, has a better PR machine and makes Labour look like a bunch of spare pricks at a wedding. Bring back the old, unelectable, dyed-in-the-wool trades unionist, socialist, revolutionary Labour Party. Kinnock and Hattersly may have been clowns, but christ at least they believed in something more than the politics of the soundbite. Ralph Milliband must be spinning in his grave at the thought of what his sons have become.
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BUT......who am i kidding? there is no "but". and unfortunately you are almost undoubtedly right. we're fucked.

not looking forward to the next 5 years of watching the rich get fatter at our expense. what a load of bollocks. :(

the only hope is an almighty u-turn by labour and a deal with the snp....i dont give a s**t about the ed miller band's morals or credibility to be honest, i just dont wanna have to bend over so the posh kids can take me roughly from behind. but i dont think there's gonna be enough doubt left even for that.

EDIT: as i type milliband is giving his speech at his constituency ......sounds like a loser's speech to me. :(
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Bleak, innit? :(
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The trouble with democracy is that by it's very definition, not everyone agrees with you.
I exercised my right yesterday to not give a toss, which given I live in a safe Labour seat where the nearest long standing Lib Dem candidate has recently been accused of kiddie fiddling hardly set the poll booths a tremble.
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Unfortunately it appears that the Heartland Exit Poll is at odds with the national feeling

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Adios Nige.
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Sad to hear it's turned this way.
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Looks like Clegg has resigned, and Miliband is also considering it...
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The Lib Dems might need to knock an "s" off their name soon.
Just like the old days

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Looking on the bright side, neither Farage nor Galloway won in their respective constituencies.

In Leeds West, Rachel Reeves won comfortably, as predicted, so I don't think my Green vote was at all to blame ;D Morley is a different story of course; had there been no Green candidate and all the Green voters there had voted Labour (not a foregone conclusion, I know) Ed Balls would still have his seat. I'm quite interested to see quite how many seats there are that the Tories won by a margin smaller than the total number of Green votes.

On the whole, I am more than a little surprised quite by how much the Tories have won; in the polls in the run-up, Labour and Conservative seemed far closer.

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Rachel Reeves shops in Morrison's in Horsforth.

Little-known fact, that. You're welcome.
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...and the ed miller band has left the building. leaving nicky fish-bits' party the second biggest (and arguably the only one of pariliamentary consequence, apart from the tories ) with a leader.

didn't clegg sound like he'd just realised the error of his ways, fooling a sum-total of no-one into believing he didn't already know what he'd done, ie as he was doing it. the end of this phase of the liberal party for sure; a seemingly pointless force politically during my lifetime, at least until 5 years ago. hmmm, they got their come-uppance quite quickly didn't they...unfortunately at the expense of everyone else.

sorry if i'm rambling. still in shock a bit. bugger.
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>>>>plus side<<<<< at least i can have my f**king avatar back. man, i love The Sisters.
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eastmidswhizzkid wrote:>>>>plus side<<<<< at least i can have my f**king avatar back. man, i love The Sisters.
You mean, the EMWK on your avatar doesn't stand for "Ed Milliband - Wanker"? :eek:
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Not eligible to vote in the UK, but I vote Green here more often than not.

Also: condolences on your election results.
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