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Posted: 17 Aug 2010, 01:55
by originalgoth
Dark wrote: I always hear people refer to AOR as either being "Adult Orientated Rock" or "Album Orientated Rock". Whatever it is, I'm sure the south Miami businessmen love to hum to it. :lol:
I've always thought it was Adult Oriented Rock as well.

(Still not sure what it means though - I've never seen any "older peoples CDs with warnings of strong language or violent themes, aren't they on teenagers favourite bands CDs) ?

Posted: 17 Aug 2010, 09:04
by markfiend

Posted: 17 Aug 2010, 14:50
by originalgoth
markfiend wrote:Wiki is your friend
Thanks for the link Markfiend, that clears it up for me now.

Posted: 17 Aug 2010, 15:11
by markfiend
My pleasure 8)

Posted: 12 Apr 2016, 09:41
by markfiend
ageofmaya wrote:...I don't believe there are a-bombs or h-bombs, because...
'Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.'

Oh how I wish you were right but nuclear weapons are all too real.

Posted: 02 May 2016, 13:34
by KevinS67
markfiend wrote:
ageofmaya wrote:...I don't believe there are a-bombs or h-bombs, because...
'Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.'

Oh how I wish you were right but nuclear weapons are all too real.
Yes, me too !

Posted: 08 Aug 2016, 14:38
by Being645

Posted: 08 Aug 2016, 15:42
by markfiend
Also made famous by the "Isle of Lucy jazz-blues festival" mentioned in This Is Spinal Tap :lol:

Posted: 03 Oct 2016, 10:28
by markfiend
ageofmaya wrote:
markfiend wrote: Oh how I wish you were right but nuclear weapons are all too real.
How do you know? Are you a nuclear physicist who's been working on nuclear bombs and witnessed their successful detonation? If not, then you're a mere believer in what someone else says, not different of any religious person...
And from this dogmatic statement of yours, I can say you're not a physicist. :)
I'm not a nuclear physicist, no. However, confidence in the scientific method in general, and any given scientific finding in particular, is not at all comparable to faith in the untestable, contradictory and arbitrary claims of religion.

No, I'm not a nuclear physicist but I do know enough about physics to know that the science behind nuclear chain reactions is pretty settled and confirmed from multiple sources. I also think I probably know more physics than you do.

How do you explain the results of the double-slit experiment if quantum mechanics isn't true? How do you explain the photoelectric effect without QM? These are simple experiments that you can do in a student lab, or even at home.

I'm not going to bother with all the Tesla crankery you're coming out with; suffice it to say that the real reason that Tesla died in poverty is that a great many of his ideas were wrong.

Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 21:53
by Pista

Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 21:55
by lazarus corporation
Pista wrote:LOL
Oh yes indeed.

Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 21:58
by Being645
Btw ageofmaya, this is The Heartland Forums Lyrics Section - Heartland is the unofficial discussion forum for all things around The Sisters of Mercy ....

and not the extended promotion platform for Tesla or whoever ... :wink: ...

Extended discussions of that kind belong into General Chat. How about you open a thread and throw all your extendes thought and ideas in there... ;D ...

I am absolutely sure, that :von: is not a Tesla adept and was so neither when he wrote any of his lyrics. So please ... have mercy ... :kiss: ...

Posted: 20 Oct 2016, 21:59
by Silver_Owl
Where's Blast when you need him? :P

Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 07:55
by lazarus corporation
Oh, jesus wept - it's the banned ageofmaya back, doing exactly the same sort of nonsense they got banned for last time.

Posted: 30 Sep 2017, 15:56
by eastmidswhizzkid
it cant be hard in this day and age -and with the highly intelligent geek-wizards and technomancers amongst our membership- to pinpoint the location of this/any morons and just send the boys round?
to quote the UTR article on the disillusioned 'Sisters fan' who returned his Gegen Nazis patch: "the left have their shock-troops too..and we know where you live." :evil: