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Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by EricSweden
my fav song this is. anyway...
the version of the song used in the video is a bit different from the original on floodland. i haven't listened to the video version in a while but i've listened very closely to the promo version found on some boys wander. on this version sounds can be heard in the background during the verses. i also experience every third snare drum in the verses to be a bit louder. it could be every fourth. can't remember right now.
the choirs are louder when they shout DOMINION. the saxofone solo is louder and the strings/choir are lower during the saxsolo.
there's also a typical 80s sound in the chorus, right after they sing DOMINION". its a smashing/thunder sound. in the vid you can see pat opening her hands during that part in a typical 80s manner. i think that this version is better than the original. the saxsolo is too low on the original version, plus i also like the 80s smash/thunder sound during the chorus. cuz in the original after they shout DOMINION there's no sound to backup the towering and mighty sound of DOMINION. its hard to explain.

i also prefer the long version of lucretia before the original on floodland. the snare is much louder and the overall sound i think is better.

what do you guys think?

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by EricSweden
forgot... dominion on floodland... at the end of the song as mother russia is being tuned out, flood comes in over that. i hate that. it would work if the two songs had something in common, music wise as well as lyric wise. but they dont. a good example of two songs flowing in together are "whatever that hurts" and "the ar" by tiamat on the wildhoney album.

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by MrEddy

I like Dominion better in it's single form; "untitled" forms a nice coda- just the same melody at half speed; a cute counterpoint.

The coral work and sax is both more prominant and extended on this version also.

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by Quiff Boy
i like the sax intro used on the single & video versions :smile:

the album version's "galloping" drum beat intro gets a bit annoying after a few thousand listens... :roll:

Posted: 01 Jan 1970, 01:00
by paint it black