Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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I was lying in bed listening to graveyard shift talk-back radio with some thoughts running through my mind. The inner voice wouldn't stop chattering, so I'm posting the info here....

One of my favourite movies is All The President's Men, the Robert Redford/Dustin Hoffman "Watergate" flick about Richard Nixon's impeachment. Jason Robards received an Emmy (Grammy? Oscar?) for his role as the newspaper editor who lets Redford and Hoffman investigate the Watergate Building robbery, a topic that was otherwise ignored by the majority of the media at the time.

Hal Holcombe (spelling?) plays the role of Deep Throat, the insider leaking info to the newspapers via Redford. For decades the real identity of Deep Throat was unknown. It has recently been revealed as Mark Feldt (spelling?), who recently died.

The internet can become a serious time-trap when you research such topics, but http://educate-yourself.org/mc/ and h[url]ttp://educate-yourself.org[/url] have some other interesting conspiracy theories, including Nazis ferreted away to America following WWII, as do any websites linked to Ed McCabe.

(Put his name into a Google search. McCabe tells you what the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about their products. )

On a similar but separate topic, research into the 70s drug 'Angel Dust' (which was sold under the name 'Hog' in New York) reveals some interesting things. Dating back to around the time of WWI, the drug companies tried for decades to find a use for this substance, all of which failed due to its roughness and after-effects. Even hardened drug users backed away from the stuff.
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Nazis in the USA is hardly controversial. The most obvious (and not even clandestine) example is Werner Von Braun, who built the V2 rocket for the Third Reich, was an employee of NASA after WWII.

See also: General Rheinhard Gehlen, Hitler's chief of Intelligence, and later head of the CIA's Russian penetration bureau.

Edited to add wiki links
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The most famous example of US appropriation of Nazi power scientists is a bastion of conspiracy theorists the world over - Operation Paperclip

As for Watergate and Deep Throat, Martin Felt was Deputy Director of the FBI, passed over for promotion to the top spot by a Nixon hardline sympathiser. He 'reluctantly' began passing information to Woodward and Bernstein of the Washington Post.
The two reporters have recently been on the news talking about what happened...probably to promote the book they're writing to finalise the mystery once and for all. Check this out.

It's clear to see where Chris Carter got all of the material for his own Deep Throat and Mr. X of X-Files fame...
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Perhaps I've lost my powers of comprehension, but on what exactly do you want my opinion?
And you know that she's half crazy but that's why you want to be there.
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I just wondered, why people have to SHOUT from the start?
Loki was never worshiped as the other Gods,
Which is quite understandable.
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Black Biscuit wrote:It has recently been revealed as Mark Feldt (spelling?), who recently died.
Felt's not dead; he's 91 and has been in "declining health" since he had a stroke in 2001, but isn't dead.
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I thought Deep Throat was a... :innocent:

...never mind. Never mind. Carry on. :wink:
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Boudicca - Lowering The Tone Since...

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You don't have an innocent expression B, so don't even try it.
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Loki wrote:I just wondered, why people have to SHOUT from the start?

---- Coz I make more sales than Bill Gates :!:
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Francis wrote:Perhaps I've lost my powers of comprehension, but on what exactly do you want my opinion?
--- How about these, if you'd be so kind and/or could be bothered:

Whether 'Spear of Destiny' is nothing more than a work of historical reinvention;

Why Nazi's in the Americas are 'hardly controversial';

Whether the 'greys', being bug-eyed and sickly, are a metaphor for "sub-human" Jews;

Likewise, whether the benevolent Nordic aliens (at a good-looking 7-foot tall and blonde) are a metaphor for Aryan supermen;

Whether Freemasons are an invisible influence network in the world of business. (My experience would suggest so);

Why people claim that the moon landing photos are faked because of "anomalies in shadow detail" in the pix. (Ever heard of dodging and burning, you a--hole?);

Why people claim Elvis ripped-off poor black musicians by taking their music mainstream, when in fact he was always open about his musical roots, even (relatively unpopular) gospel music;

Whether it is true that subliminal advertising has never had any proof of its efficacy;

et al.... Don't get me started....
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Black Biscuit wrote:Whether 'Spear of Destiny' is nothing more than a work of historical reinvention
According to the telly, and despite anything Trevor Ravenscroft may have had to say to the contrary.
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Black Biscuit wrote:Likewise, whether the benevolent Nordic aliens (at a good-looking 7-foot tall and blonde) are a metaphor for Aryan supermen;
My money's on "Ja".
Black Biscuit wrote:Whether Freemasons are an invisible influence network in the world of business. (My experience would suggest so);
Oh yeah.
Black Biscuit wrote: Why people claim Elvis ripped-off poor black musicians by taking their music mainstream, when in fact he was always open about his musical roots, even (relatively unpopular) gospel music;
'cos they don't like Elvis.
Black Biscuit wrote:Whether it is true that subliminal advertising has never had any proof of its efficacy;
Never had any effect on me *takes sip of Coca-Cola*.... ;D
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Oops. By "hardly controversial" I meant that the fact that Nazis were spirited away to the US after WWII can hardly be controverted. Um. I see where confusion arises there ;) Obviously there is controversy about whether they should have been!

The "Spear Of Destiny" may be a genuine Roman spear of the correct period. Then again it may not. Whether it is the weapon used to kill Jesus on the cross is doubtful IMO. There is little support (even scriptural) for the idea. And if you tend to the idea, common among many scholars, that the gospels were never intended as historical documents anyway, then it gets really shaky.
Whether the 'greys', being bug-eyed and sickly, are a metaphor for "sub-human" Jews;
I somehow doubt that. As you may know, one of the earliest reported abductions involved Betty and Barney Hill. Their story included the now-classic "greys". What is seldom remembered among UFO buffs is that Barney reported that his captors wore SS uniforms. (Source. Scroll down to "Greys")

I don't know much about the "Nordics" but the grey/Nordic contrast can be seen in various "otherworldly" contacts such as (but not limited to):
  • Demons/Angels
  • Various kinds of "faries"
  • Dubh Sidhe/Tuatha de Danaan
The freemasonry thing is pretty well documented I think. If you're "on the level" with your business associates, they'll "keep you square" :urff:

The moon-landing photos were not faked. As you so succinctly state, dark-room post-processing is fairly standard with professional and/or important photographs.

I don't know about your last two points.
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Me old dad got a funny handshake off of someone at Fujistu once.

That's how I know Masons are everywhere.

Y'all know Toblerone's Masonic?
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boudicca wrote:Y'all know Toblerone's Masonic?
:?: I'll bite.

No I didn't know. Go on, what's the punch-line?
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Greys are humans with hydro-cephalitic heads. An experiment gone wrong, the effects of high altitudes (balloon flight) on people with encephalitis, was the real Roswell Incident, perhaps.
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Black Biscuit wrote:the effects of high altitudes


If that's the effect of high altitude...

You ain't gettin' me on no airplane, fool!
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OK... this is off the top of me 'ead so bare with me..

With regards to PCP/Angel Dust.. as far as I know it was actually licensed for use as an anaesthetic for a short time, or at least trialled as such.. It belongs to the same group of drugs as Ketamine and is, as such,a disassociative anaesthetic..

It has the same disassociative effect as ketamine, hence a lot of people who kill people whilst on PCP say they felt they were outside their body, but as is noted it has a tendancy to to cause a very strong, aggressive reaction in patients - just what you need whilst trying to operate on someone, for sure..

PCP is still around, I heard someone saying they were at school when one their mates got hold of some for some reason.. but its far from a recreation drug...

In this area, DMT (dimethyltriptamine) gives by far the most intense hallucinations but really isn't for amateurs... though luckily it doesn't give the aggression thing..

Interestingly DMT is the only psychadelic produced by the human body and is released during the death process and also in small amounts when dreaming,... posing the question that maybe its in the body to facilitate the detachment of the consciousness from the body.. after all Newtons second law is that you can't destroy energy but merely change its form, soif consciousness is energy it has to go somewhere...

PS I am not a hippy, acid-dropping scumbag!

You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye

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Courtesy of http://members.aol.com/oddwonder/body.htm:

"Women who have had liposuction, the removal of fat from the abdominal area, have shown increases in their breast size. Evidently the body makes up for lost fat tissue by building it up elsewhere"

"There is a gland approximately in the middle of the brain of humans and in lesser animals called the pineal body. Scientists have always been curious about this gland because they don't know exactly what it does, if anything, in humans, yet its location would seem to make it a very important organ" --- wasn't the pineal gland the one Trevor Ravenscroft said held memories of your previous lives, if you triggered the gland with drugs?

"If you could harness the electrical output of your brain, it would power a 10-watt lightbulb" --- yeah, but the lowest wattage bulb you can commonly buy is 15 watts!

Dr. David Weeks, a psychologist has studied eccentric people extensively. He has discovered that eccentric people are typically more intelligent and have a better sense of humor than the average population"

"The youngest parents on record are a Chinese couple who gave birth to a normal boy when the father was nine years old and the mother was eight"

"The person who is currently the oldest in the world is 115 years old. She spent 75 years of her life in a mental institution. There was a fellow in Japan, Mr. Izumi, who made it to the age of 120 or 121. His grey hair was starting to turn black again"

"You can't sneeze with your eyes open" -- yeah, that's coz your eyes would fly out of your head

"Occasionally people are born with horns. The majority of these horns protrude from people's foreheads, but some folks have had horns on their thighs, backs, noses, sexual organs and feet"

"Almost 90 percent of people who consistently dye their hair develop eye cataracts because of a chemical in the dye called paraphenylenediamine" --- goth! :twisted:

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Gottdammerung wrote:Newtons second law is that you can't destroy energy but merely change its form, soif consciousness is energy it has to go somewhere...

PS I am not a hippy, acid-dropping scumbag!

-- your comments about PCP (Angel Dust) are largely right. It has been around since World War One, and they tried marketing the stuff for just about any purpose they could dream up.

Newton's law, as stated by you above, is the reason I believe in reincarnation - ie, for scientific reasons, not religious ones. "We don't die, we just keep changing form" type of thing. :?:
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Black Biscuit wrote:"There is a gland approximately in the middle of the brain of humans and in lesser animals called the pineal body. Scientists have always been curious about this gland because they don't know exactly what it does, if anything, in humans, yet its location would seem to make it a very important organ" --- wasn't the pineal gland the one Trevor Ravenscroft said held memories of your previous lives, if you triggered the gland with drugs?
Wiki on the pineal gland:
It is responsible for the production of melatonin, which has a role in regulating the circadian rhythm... The production of melatonin by the pineal gland is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light.
Additionally, it has been found that the pineal gland manufactures trace amounts of the psychedelic chemical dimethyltryptamine, or DMT.
The pineal gland is occasionally referred to as the "third eye" in occult religions, and the brow chakra in yoga, and is believed by some to be a dormant organ that can be awakened to enable telepathic communication.
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:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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Mind you I have been trying for quite some time to line up some DMT.... :innocent:
You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye

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