Cracow, March 31, 2009

Gig reviews, set lists, thoughts, comments and observations on the 2008/2009 Sisters tour, including the Autumn/Winter 2008 U.S. and European 2009 legs.
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I hate to say it but that was the worst Sisters gig I've seen (heard?) since London 2006. Many people I spoke to afterwards said the gig at the same venue 3 years earlier was far more powerful so what the hell happened? :|
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My review of the gig (Polish) and three video clips (not to good quality)

Rozpoczęcie koncertu wyznaczone było na godzinę 20:00. Jednak Siostry Miłosierdzia kazały na siebie czekać jeszcze jakieś pół godziny. Jak się później miało okazać, trzymanie w napięciu i oczekiwaniu nie do końca było adekwatne z tym, co przyszło ludziom usłyszeć. No ale po kolei. Zanim wszedł zespół, po scenie kręcił się często pan pielęgniarka (Nurse) obsługujący Doktora Avalanche. W końcu sala pociemniała, pojawiła się mgła, charakterystyczne światła i mocno wypełniony publiką Klub Studio ogarnęła euforia. Wkroczyli bohaterowie wieczoru. Obecnie poza kultowym automatem perkusyjnym – Doktorem Avalanche i wielkim szefem – Andrew Eldritchem, zespół tworzy dwóch młodych gitarzystów – Chris Catalyst i Ben Christo. Tak więc na żywo słyszymy wokal i dwie gitary. Natomiast perkusja, bas, klawisze i inne efekty generowane są przez Doktorka.
Na początku występu zadziałał efekt wejścia gwiazdy, przez co otwierający koncert „Crash And Burnâ€� odebrałem jako świetny. Wielka szkoda, że ten rewelacyjny kawałek nie ma nawet rejestracji studyjnej. Mogliby się wreszcie wziąć za jakąś płytę. Podczas „Ribbonsâ€� dotarło do mnie, że coś jest nie tak. Jest po prostu za cicho. Nie przejąłem się tym zbytnio, bo to normalne, że na początku gigu mogą jeszcze trwać poszukiwania i korekty dźwiękowców, aby znaleźć odpowiednie ustawienie. Wszystko fajnie, tylko że potem lecą „Train/Detonation Boulevardâ€�, „Aliceâ€�, „Flood Iâ€�, „Anacondaâ€�, „Marianâ€� i dalej to samo. Grają świetne utwory, a ja czuję się jak w domu kultury. Najgorzej było z wokalem, który był ledwo słyszalny. Tymczasem przecież na koncercie Sisters Of Mercy, przede wszystkim chce się usłyszeć TEN głos. Gitarzyści chyba wiedzieli co się dzieje, bo bardzo się starali. Andrew pewnie też wiedział, ale jemu to chyba było obojętne. Nawet Doktor Avalanche mógłby być trochę głośniejszy, choć do niego jak zwykle można mieć najmniej pretensji. Publiczność co jakiś czas krzyczała „głośniej !â€�, a czasem nawet gwizdami zagłuszała muzykę. Szkoda trochę tych dźwiękowych nieporozumień, bo światła były kapitalne. W połączeniu z dobrym nagłośnieniem mogły sprawić, że ten występ byłby takim przeżyciem jakiego oczekiwałem. Za to przez mgłę wychodziły kiepskie zdjęcia, ale co tam.
Później bez emocji odegrane „We Are The Same, Susanneâ€�. Jeśli chodzi o kobiece tytuły, to nie wzbudziły one większego poruszenia, podobnie jak „Armsâ€� i „Giving Groundâ€�. W klubie panowała ogólna drętwota, poza nielicznymi fanatykami na śmierć i życie, którzy szaleliby nawet gdyby wszystko leciało z taśmy. Metamorfoza nastąpiła podczas „Dominion/Mother Russiaâ€�. Nawet brzmienie jakieś trochę lepsze się zrobiło. Razem ze wszystkimi śpiewałem refren owego hitu z Floodland. Z mojej balkonowej perspektywy trudno było jednak wychwycić, czy oprócz śpiewu fanów, nie było też jakichś samplowanych chórków ze strony Doktora. Na pewno od czasu do czasu Eldritcha wspomagali wokalnie Ben i Chris. Podczas „Summerâ€� i „First And Last And Alwaysâ€� gitary były już jakby głośniejsze i bardziej selektywne. Wokal też trochę lepszy, chociaż w miarę dobry stał się dopiero podczas bisów. Ale już do samego końca to nie było to. Przynajmniej gitarzyści i Doktor Avalanche z biegiem czasu brzmieli coraz lepiej. Na początku nie rozpoznałem „This Corrosionâ€�. Jednak bez Patricii Morrison czegoś brakuje temu numerowi. Choć i tak byłem szczęśliwy. Mimo iż jakoś bez wyrazu im to wyszło. Podstawowy set kończył mój ukochany „Flood IIâ€�. Jeśli chodzi o utwory Sisters Of Mercy, to mam mieszane uczucia, co do zastępowania partii klawiszy gitarami w aranżacjach. Ale we „Flood IIâ€� całkiem fajnie to wychodzi. Nawet Andrew się przyłożył, żeby co jakiś czas krzyknąć „flooood !â€�.
Po krótkiej przerwie wrócili na bis. Warto było na niego czekać. To był już jakby zupełnie inny koncert. Energetyczny, żywiołowy i z zaangażowaniem lidera. Na początek balladowo i intymnie („Something Fastâ€�). Potem jednak czadowo, bo oto przyszła pora na „Vision Thingâ€�, którym porwali widownię. Utrzymali poziom za pomocą następnego hitu z Floodland, czyli wspaniałej „Lucretia My Reflectionâ€�. Jak również dzięki mocno gitarowemu „Top Nite Outâ€�. Cały występ zakończyli legendarnym i świetnie wykonanym „Temple Of Loveâ€�. Niektórzy domagali się jeszcze „Moreâ€�, jednak nie było już nic more. To był koniec. Koncert trwał jakieś półtorej godziny. Po wszystkim okazało się, że specyficzne podejście do nagłaśniania wokalu zawdzięczamy akustykowi zespołu. Nie słuchał on ani sugestii ani uwag ze strony fanów, organizatorów i przedstawicieli klubu. Argumentował to tak, że nagłaśnia w ten sposób już od 27 lat. No cóż...
W czasie kiedy zespół kończył grać „Temple Of Loveâ€� ruszyłem w stronę szatni przy wyjściu. Liczyłem, że nie będzie jeszcze tłumów do walki o kurtkę. Tymczasem okazało się, że wiele osób pomyślało tak samo. Gdy było jasne, że Sisters już nie wyjdą na scenę, tłum wezbrał na tyle, że znacznie oddalił mnie od celu. Jakimś cudem jednak dopchałem się prawie do samej szatni. Jednakże zacząłem rozglądać się po ludziach i skapnąłem się, że coś jest nie w porządku. Czemu wszyscy mają blaszane numerki, a ja jakiś dziwny plastikowy ? Pomyliłem szatnie ! Musiałem przedzierać się pod prąd z powrotem do szatni przy scenie. Wtedy gdy to się działo, nie byłem najszczęśliwszym człowiekiem na świecie. Teraz jednak wiem, że było to zabawniejsze niż połowa koncertu.

Crash An Burn

Dominion/Mother Russia

Vision Thing
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nice review Guest87 :lol: thank you :notworthy:

ps. czyli Ty też uważasz, że grali summer... może to mi już coś pod czaszką nie styka w takim razie :wink:
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The Sisters of Mercy - because your hearing is important for us.
Rafale, to nie ja piłem przed koncertem :wink:
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Bartek wrote:The Sisters of Mercy - because your hearing is important for us.
aaah, bless them :lol:
Guest87 wrote:My review of the gig (Polish)
would anyone care to provide a rough translation btw? even if it's not the whole thing?

ta :)
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google is in for a rough translation:

My review of the gig (Polish) and three video clips (not to good quality)

Starting the concert was set for 20:00 hours. But the Sisters of Mercy kazały you still have to wait half an hour. How then have to produce, keeping the tension and anticipation were not quite adequate to what people came to hear. But no one after another. Before the team came after the scene kręcił often you nurse (Nurse) operating Doktora Avalanche. Finally pociemniała room, there is fog, characteristic light and filled with strong publication Klub Studio ogarnęła euphoria. The heroes of the evening came. Currently out of cult automate perkusyjnym - Doktor Avalanche and the big boss - Eldritchem Andrew, the team created two young guitarists - Chris Catalyst and Ben Christo. So we can hear the live vocals and two guitars. In contrast, drums, bass, keys and other effects generated by the doc.
In the early performance had the effect of the stars of the entry, thus opening concert of "Crash And Burn" received as excellent. Great pity that this great piece is not even recording studio. Could finally be taken for a disc. During the "Ribbons" reached me that something is wrong. It is simply too quiet. Do not be assumed that too much, because it's normal that at the beginning of last gigu can still search for and correction dźwiękowców to find the appropriate setting. All good, except that then fly "Train / Detonation Boulevard", "Alice", "Flood I", "Anaconda," "Marian" and continue the same. Play great songs, and I feel like a home of culture. Was the worst of the vocals, which was barely audible. Meanwhile, after a concert at the Sisters Of Mercy, first of all want to hear this voice. Guitarists probably knew what was happening, because they are very old. Andrew probably knows it, but I guess he was indifferent. Doktor Avalanche could even be a bit louder, but as always it is possible to have a minimum claims. The audience at a time screaming "louder!", And sometimes even gwizdami zagłuszała music. Pity some of those sound disagreement, because the light was of paramount. In combination with a good sound system can make this experience such a performance would be what I expected. With the mist went to a poor image, but what there.
Later played with no emotion, "We Are The Same, Susanne". As for the women's titles, it does not address the more they raised, like the "Arms" and "Giving Ground". In the club there was a general numbness, with some fanatykami a life and death, that even if all extremely leciało the tape. Metamorphosis occurs in "Dominion / Mother Russia". Even the wording is a bit better done. Together with the chorus that sang all the hit Floodland. From my balcony perspective, however, were difficult to catch, or in addition to singing fans, there was also some samplowanych chórków from the Doctor. Certainly from time to time Eldritcha assisted wokalnie Ben and Chris. During the "Summer" and "First And Last And Always" as if the guitar had already been louder and more selective. Vocal a little better, although as far as good only when you become encore. But to the end was not it. At least guitarists and Doktor Avalanche over time be replaced with better and better. At first I did not recognize "This Corrosion". However, without something missing Patricia Morrison ago number. While I was still happy. Despite the fact that somehow, without a word out to them. The basic set ended, my darling "Flood II". As for the songs Sisters Of Mercy, I have my mixed feelings, as a replacement lot in key guitar arrangements. But in "Flood II" pretty good to go. Even Andrew is laid, that at some time exclaim "flooood."
After a short break returned to bis. It was worth the wait on him. It was already like a completely different concert. Energetic, lively and engaging leader. To get started, and secretly balladowo ( "Something Fast"). Then czadowo however, because here is is time to "Vision Thing", which took the audience. Maintained through the next hit from Floodland, which is great "Lucretia My Reflection". As well as through strong gitarowemu "Top Nite Out." The entire performance ended the legendary and well made "Temple Of Love". Some even called for "More", but there was no longer anything more. That was the end. The concert lasted a half hour. After all, it appeared that the specific approach to publicize vocals owe akustykowi team. There he listened to suggestions and comments or from fans, organizers and representatives of the club. He argued it, so that publicized in this way since 27 years. Well ...
At the time when the team ended play "Temple Of Love" went into the locker room at the end. Hoping that you will not have to fight crowds on the jacket. However, it appeared that many people pomyślało the same. When it was clear that the Sisters do not come out on stage, the crowd wezbrał in so much that dismissed me from the goal. Dopchałem a miracle, however, almost to the changing rooms. However, I began to look after people and skapnąłem appears that something is not right. Why All the numbers are tin and plastic and some strange? Confused the changing rooms! I had przedzierać under the current back to the locker room at the scene. Then when it happened, I was not the happiest man in the world. But now I know that this was zabawniejsze than half of the concert.

oooook :lol: that's indeed pretty rough^^
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you reacted like you weren't there.
btw. audience screams: "louder!"
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Google translation wrote:Guitarists probably knew what was happening, because they are very old.

Um, but I don't guess Ben and Chris would find it that amusing... :oops:
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7anthea7 wrote:Explains a lot, now doesn't it? It certainly reinforces my suspicions about the source of the problems... :?
You mean the same what I suppose ? It is not the soundman who is to be blamed but...
7anthea7 wrote:And by the way, welcome to our little party, lszymc! :)
Thanks, 7anthea7, and welcome !
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Eva wrote:Could anybody who speaks Polish (Emma, where are you when I need you?)
At the moment when you wrote this, I was probably in a sleazy pub in Prague. :lol:
please translate the above statement by the venue into an English that I understand?
Many thanks :notworthy:
I see that lszymc has already done it correctly, you're welcome.
Bartek wrote:btw. @ _emma_ : people were shouting because they didn't heard a music. at least they paid - not so small price - to see/listen the band not just for a light and fog show with a little of sound on the background.
No, they shouted because they wanted to shout, and they paid because they wanted to spend their money on this event. If they hadn't known it could have been like that, it's their problem. The Sisters are not a U2, and their gigs are not tetra-packed pasteurised apple juice 1 litre each, they're real apples that may contain real maggots sometimes. :D
:P :kiss: :D
Last edited by _emma_ on 04 Apr 2009, 03:26, edited 1 time in total.
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_emma_ wrote:Is it my bottle there in the first photo? :D
and here you can see as he's whispering secret mantras a specially for you: "emma, emma, you must go to brazil. emma, brazil and mexico. talk with you credit card guy immediately. emma" :lol: :wink:

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_emma_ wrote:
Bartek wrote:btw. @ _emma_ : people were shouting because they didn't heard a music. at least they paid - not so small price - to see/listen the band not just for a light and fog show with a little of sound on the background.
No, they shouted because they wanted to shout, and they paid because they wanted to spend their money on this event. If they hadn't known it could have been like that, it's their problem. The Sisters are not a U2, and their gigs are not tetra-packed pasteurised apple juice 1 litre each, they're real apples that may contain real maggots sometimes. :D
:P :kiss: :D
You can explain that everything. At least they using slogan "industrial groovy machine", after kerrang (?), so this machine seems to be broken, at least on this 1 and 1/2 gig.

So i guessing that you knew before the gig that it will be fucked up, as it was, you count that risk on every Sisters gig :?: If yes, it's quite like a gambling.

Every single band play excellent, good, mediocre and bad gigs i know that but Sisters plays excellent, good or so bad as Kraków or London 2006 or Lorca rock and they plays ONLY a gigs so they could be a decent gig machine.

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Thanks for the review. But could someone else confirm (or not) whether in their opinion they played 'Summer' or not? I'm prette sure that strangely they didn't played it and something is really wrong when they hit the encore's 'Something Fast'. To say even more I'm very sure about this and I was not drinking that night :D
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7anthea7 wrote:
Google translation wrote:Guitarists probably knew what was happening, because they are very old.

Um, but I don't guess Ben and Chris would find it that amusing... :oops:
It says "Guitarists probably knew what was happening, because they were giving it all they're best" :roll:

Google translation really sucks

The bands illness and misfortunes are plagues sent from God himself, as a penalty for the Polish concerts :)
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straycat wrote:But could someone else confirm (or not) whether in their opinion they played 'Summer' or not?
I'm not sure whether this statement will alleviate the uncertainty, but I'm sure they didn't play "Summer".
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zoozoon wrote:
straycat wrote:But could someone else confirm (or not) whether in their opinion they played 'Summer' or not?
I'm not sure whether this statement will alleviate the uncertainty, but I'm sure they didn't play "Summer".
i'm 99% sure that they didn't play it. von watch the setlist, talk with nurse and then ben and chris and they drop summer me think ;D
according to DevilRed no summer too: ... 143dfed547

according to Easy tiger they didn't play it too but he heard driven like the snow :lol:
those who know polish should read that dm forum comments about sisters gigs, some are pretty funny :lol: i didn't realized that people can be so stupid, but if you go to gig to watch STARS and clocks are still tick-tacking from 85 what can you expect :lol:
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oh, ok :innocent:
there's doc's setlist:


do you see that fat black line on summer? ;D
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lachert wrote:and here you can see as he's whispering secret mantras a specially for you: "emma, emma, you must go to brazil. emma, brazil and mexico. talk with you credit card guy immediately. emma" :lol: :wink:
:lol: Well I would prefer the mantra to be directed at my employers and say "give that woman a payrise, she deserves it she really does and she needs it now, she really does..." :lol:
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A good rock concert is when you come out half deaf from the noise and with a rasped throat from screaming and singing. Well at least TSOM care about our health.

Is there anywhere I can find more photos from this gig, or any other audio-video material ? Some shots of the audience would be cool.
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Photos from this gig? You will find thousands and thousands everywhere on the Internet, probably. :roll:
Actually, after seeing the ridiculous amount of digicams at this gig and the security not doing anything about it, I must imply a slightly off-topic rant here. If you think it's off-topic enough, please move it to General Chat (I myself hardly ever go there so wouldn't even know in which thread to put it).
The fact that digicams are cheap and easily available these days does not mean that people know how to use them. There don't seem to be enough instructions included in the manuals, so let me post it for the digicam population here.
How To Take A Photo Of An Object:
1. You ask the object whose image you want to capture: May I take a photo of you? (if the object is human, you ask it aloud; if a flower or cat or building etc., you ask the question silently in your head)
2. When you've got a Yes, you approach the object with love and respect, and you try your best to catch the best angle, best light, best position etc. in order to draw the entire beauty of the object, and do justice to it. (The purely technical instructions on how to do THIS are always included in the manuals, so read it first.)
When you use flashlight, you give a warning first, because flashlight is never a nice feeling for the object, and it changes a whole lot if the object is prepared for the feeling.
3. After you've taken the photo you ask the object for authorisation before you can keep the photo to yourself or show it to others. Because even though you are the photographer and you own the camera, the image still belongs to the object.
4. You say Thank You.

Why so? Because taking photos (especially those with flashlight) involves a certain level of intimacy, and intimacy is only good when it's based on love and respect, and agreed upon by all parties involved. If it lacks those factors, it tends to veer towards abuse if not rape.

Of course it's not easy, especially in situations like a rock concert, when you have about one second to complete the 4 steps. It takes talent, skill, and practice, but is possible, as some of the Russian recent photos proove, for example.
When you follow these simple rules (even methaphorically), you own photographs: magical moments of time captured in stills. If you don't, you have 10th rate amateur-paparazzi 'pics' whose place should be in the dustbin.
I have an impression that it was easier to follow those rules in the good old days when film, developing, and print was expensive and each frame was precious.
I love watching good photos made by people who know how to, I really do, and I appreciate it. Me, I cannot take good photos in split seconds, so I never even try. Besides, both at a Sisters gig or on a train going through the industrial areas of Ostrava, I prefer to cherish the moment and devour it with my eyes rather than look at it through a frame, but that's a different story. If I had the skill and possibility, I would take the object there and do session with feathers'n'stuff on this black planet, but that's a_totally_ different story.

Sorry for the rant, but it's my pet hate ever since the devil's tool called digicams became so popular. I just hate it when I'm drunk and my makeup is smudged but I wanna go dancing - and it's all those fuckers with flashlights all around that make me prefer to hide at a table in a corner. :evil:
And you wouldn't like to hear what I tend to say to people who show me the photos of me which they took on a previous night without my knowledge or agreement. :evil:
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_emma_ wrote:Photos from this gig? You will find thousands and thousands everywhere on the Internet, probably. :roll:
Wow, you don't say :)
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agree, taking a pictures on sisters gig with a flashlight is most stupid thing because of fog that made your photos clear and viewable for max 2 meters. any how use a sport function anti~vibrating/shacking full area focus (can be use less if you want to take a pic of Von or Nurse :lol: ). and all this compact cameras is mostly a sh!t 60 pics for 1/2 decent pic.